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Be Healthy in Your Mind, Body and Spirit

By Michelle Gilbert   Food for thought…….   In the last few months we have covered many aspects of thinking and feeling and we are going to start to “Do’ in addition to this, we are Human Beings, we

By Michelle Gilbert


Food for thought…….


In the last few months we have covered many aspects of thinking and feeling and we are going to start to “Do’ in addition to this, we are Human Beings, we need to be active, it’s part of who we are.




After this year and all of its trials and tribulations, things can and will get better.


I’m here, not only to give you inspirational thoughts for a happy healthy and fulfilling life but also to facilitate movement, something I’ve been doing for many years, id like to share this with you, we can do it together and share thoughts and feelings along the way. My intention is to share with you each month tips and tricks to improve your life and start to thrive in your body.


To create balance, strength, agility, flexibility, and improving heart and lung capacity, to become healthier in mind, body and spirit, more wholesome all round. In order for us to do this together we need to have a plan of action.


As women we have been conditioned not to require too much, our needs aren’t always at the forefront of our minds, forever putting other peoples needs before our own.


We are taught “ don’t ask for too much, or be too loud, greedy or expressive and whatever you do, DONT be powerful, that’s a sin and women were burnt at the stake for doing that!  


 obviously, very out of date in this day and age


We ARE allowed to aim high, for what we want in this life, to achieve and feel worthy of not only ourselves but also giving others permission to feel worthy and uplifted, supporting others, in this way empowering others to invest in themselves in a deeper sense than material ways, invest in themselves to be the best version of themselves, in Mind, Body and spirit, to be whole again.


To enjoy their activity, food, bodies, to have desires that can be fulfilled, its allowed!


What desire are you claiming or reclaiming right now?


How can you move towards that?


How we see things is important, yes, we must acknowledge the pain and the darkness first as this is essential to growth and not being in denial.


Once we have recognised our traits , we can put things in place to change them.


We all have negative human traits such as;

  • Jealousy
  • Envy
  • Intolerance
  • Impatience
  • Selfishness
  • Self pity
  • Pride
  • Lust
  • Hate
  • Dishonesty
  • Greed
  • Insincerity
  • Procrastination
  • Guilt
  • Ego
  • Fear
  • Laziness (to name a few)

Once we see our own faults and we are aware of them, we can change them, it is very simple.


Everyday, I write down how my day went and I backtrack and see where I was at fault and then put those right where I can.


Another thing to do is your gratitude list, write a list of 10 things a day that you are grateful for, yes – I’m all for gratitude, it changes the brain and the body to think and act differently.


These things together with activity is the way forward.


In 2021 I will be bringing activities for you to do to start feeling better in your body, mind and spirit, a healthy dose of love coming from Me to you , so be ready in 2021 for a shift in yourselves lovely ladies, to bring about change in the way you not only see yourselves but the way you see others combined with a transformation of you – becoming the new improved you!

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