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Stave off ‘Winter Fatigue’ and bring out your ‘sunlight’ look  

    By Tom Ferns   While we all look forward to the approaching winter, little do we know what winter brings us. Fatigue or tiredness and that would mean looking less energetic and drained out.   As the days get



By Tom Ferns


While we all look forward to the approaching winter, little do we know what winter brings us. Fatigue or tiredness and that would mean looking less energetic and drained out.


As the days get shorter, we know how difficult it can be to feel energized. Right form the time we crack open the curtains and squint at the clock only to find it still dark.


Loosing out on sunlight during winter is the main cause of tiredness and that will definitely wither your outlook. Research says that our bodies produce more of the hormone melatonin during winters that leads to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.


So here are a few simple changes you need to look good, feel good and and be your best.





Get some sunlight, which is the highest source of Vitamin D that’s keep us us energized all day and is known for improving performance. There are other sources though, but getting out is your best chance at feeling great.





Besides vitamin D, regular exercise is a surefire way to boost energy levels. When you’re running on low energy, a healthy dose of morning exercise can release a welcome burst of feel good endorphins.


While it might be tempting to hibernate during winters, try to get into some healthy bedtime habits by keeping the sleeping cycle the same. Diet plays a very important role to boost your energies during winters too. While it often feels easier to eat fruits and vegetables during the summer months, winter is when your body really craves their nutrients.


And last but more importantly keep your wardrobe more colourful to boost the sunlight look.



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