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Be True To Yourself and FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!

By Michelle Gilbert What? Okay, so here it is the truth. You’re being fed information that makes you feel inadequate, it feeds on your fear, unless you adhere to what society wants you to believe is “Worthy”. To

By Michelle Gilbert

What? Okay, so here it is the truth.

You’re being fed information that makes you feel inadequate, it feeds on your fear, unless you adhere to what society wants you to believe is “Worthy”.

To be “accepted’ we feel we must look a certain way, say certain words  to “fit in” even if it is not the truth and then be awarded with people boosting our egos….. WE MUST BE PERFECT!

With all due respect, this is dictated by the media and in my opinion nonsense.

You will feel more loved.

Somewhere along the line we have been fed a lie, if you buy this Piece of material, watch, plastic surgery or this very expensive dress or that piece of jewelry you will feel more love, is this true?

We all want to be loved and to feel good, this must start with self-love, loving ourselves, allowing ourselves to feel good in our bodies the bodies we were born into, the bodies that have the experiences and fortitude to carry us, our homes our meat suits, the whole package, we should be grateful for our bodies. Our bodies need nurturing…In order for us to thrive we need to be able to see, hear and feel ourselves. When we love ourselves we become happier, more stable and genuinely authentic.

Authenticity is the key to our well-being, mentally, physically and spiritually.

In order to really “feel’ how another is feeling we must empathize with them. In my opinion, one of the greatest human traits we have is the ability to really understand another person’s feelings and thoughts. Literally feeling who they are, holding space for them, allowing them to express fully what they are feeling and thinking and bringing their emotions, an array of emotions. Some of these may be anger or fear, witness the pain they suffer and allow them to shift the emotions just by being there. Simply speaking our darker thoughts, our sadness and pain, as well as our pleasure. These emotions deserve “space” to be held, to be listened to, not just listened to but truly heard.

Our culture should be about supporting each other, not shaming one another when negative emotions appear. Authenticity is the way forward, true friendships are the ones that don’t judge you for who you truly are, let your feelings flow and be true to your self.


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