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Fashion Chameleon

Male bloggers are continuously popping up (and dominating) our social media feeds. This issue, we take a closer look at the man behind La Moda Dubai who has embraced a more personal blogging venture in

Male bloggers are continuously popping up (and dominating) our social media feeds. This issue, we take a closer look at the man behind La Moda Dubai who has embraced a more personal blogging venture in his website called Fashion Chameleon. Velvet got to know Jim Paolo Joquico, his reasons to switch, and his goals to meet.

You were also the guy behind La Moda Dubai. Why did you make the switch?
Being an editor for La Moda was great, but there were guidelines that needed to be followed when it came to the kind of stories that could be published. With a blog format, there’s a lot more creative freedom. I can publish anything if I believe someone out there would find it interesting or entertaining, and I have a lot more room for the writing styles for my stories.

“I do not understand this whole dapper thing. To me, it all seems artificial, and makes one look like a banker.”

What makes the two sites different from each other?
La Moda is a professional outlet, while my new blog portrays more of my personality which wasn’t really needed on the former.

With the growing number of male bloggers in the UAE, what do you think makes you stand out?
I guess it’s all about the writing. Fewer and fewer bloggers tend to focus on this bit, which I think is disappointing. We all have talents – some are great with images, some with wearing clothes, others with attending events – and for this blog I want to focus on telling stories.


What is your ultimate goal as a blogger?
To be considered a fashion influencer on my own and not as an editor of a publication would be pretty cool, I guess. To help bring obscure brands to the local mainstream consciousness, and be able to say to myself, “I did that.”

What are the fashion rules that you set for yourself?
The one rule I constantly follow is to never buy something based solely on the label. Designers are as capable of releasing duds as high-street brands. This is how, after a massive shopping haul on payday, some people still end up with a wardrobe that reeks of buyer’s remorse. Pick something because of quality, wearability, and how it looks on you, not on a hanger or a 90-pound model in an overproduced designer look book.


What defines your style?
I’ve always gravitated towards the casual look with a touch of luxury. I feel like I can get away with a graphic tee, a pair of jeans and a nice jacket if I wear something designer to complete the outfit, like say a Rolex watch or Prada driving mocs. I do not understand this whole dapper thing. To me, it all seems artificial, and makes one look like a banker.

Would you encourage fashion enthusiasts to blog? Why or why not?
No. Blogging takes a lot of time, money, and effort. Being a fashion enthusiast is one thing; it’s another thing to keep up with the constant requirements of running a decent blog – a photographer, a huge wardrobe, and a massive amount of time to learn the subject in depth.


Why choose the name Fashion Chameleon?
It’s just one of those really overused fashion phrases and I was really surprised that no one has thought of using it for their blog’s name, so I chose it. It’s also my way of saying – in two simple words – that fashion is about being playful and channeling different looks to suit the occasion as well as your mood. Lastly, as a men’s lifestyle blog, the chameleon part is there to signify that the blog will cover more than just fashion – typical male interest topics like fitness, cars and sports.


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