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Emotions of the Athletic Body

‘I have always been fascinated by the values of sport and loved its rituals; in fact, since ancient times sport has been a byword for top physical prowess and spectacular athletic performance. This photographic exhibition aims to highlight


‘I have always been fascinated by the values of sport and loved its rituals; in fact, since ancient times sport has been a byword for top physical prowess and spectacular athletic performance. This photographic exhibition aims to highlight sporting endeavour combined with its aesthetic quality – a combination that has always been a part of my design vocabulary and an inspiration for my life philosophy. Through fashion I have shown my interpretation of the competitive spirit by dressing sportsmen and women for my advertising campaigns, choosing to work with both those who are among the world’s most renowned athletes, and also those who are yet to achieve fame in the arena of sport.’ 

Giorgio Armani

‘Emotions of the Athletic Body’ is an exhibition dedicated to celebrating those who compete, not only to achieve their own goals, but also to entertain the rest of us.

The designer has curated this selection of photographs from a wealth of images that he has commissioned over the years of sportsmen and women from different disciplines. ‘Sport has always been one of my passions,’ says the designer. ‘I believe it represents the qualities that improve us as people: dedication, sacrifice, perseverance and willpower. It is beneficial for the body and spirit alike, as it shows that there is no success without dedication.’

Of course, sportsmen and women are not only wonderful role models, but also make fine subjects for photography, as they are at the peak of physical condition. Therefore, over the years, Giorgio Armani has invited many of the world’s greatest athletes to wear his clothes in front of the camera.

‘Emotions of the Athletic Body’ presents some of the notable results of these collaborations.

With this exhibition, Giorgio Armani will once again support the Special Olympics, the sports organisation for people with intellectual disabilities.

Review overview
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