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In 2015, I will…

We keep forgetting these basic beauty must-dos. Here, we list down the top eight beauty resolutions every woman should set herself, and follow through the rest of the new year. 1. Redo Your Beauty Shelf In short,

We keep forgetting these basic beauty must-dos. Here, we list down the top eight beauty resolutions every woman should set herself, and follow through the rest of the new year.

1. Redo Your Beauty Shelf

In short, organise! 2015 should see a less chaotic beauty closet. Check out the expiry dates of your make-up, and (as much as it hurts) throw them away. There is no need to hold onto expired beauty products; for one it is unhygienic, and two, beauty trends will change this year.

2. Follow a Beauty Regimen

Plan it, think it over and follow a beauty regimen to the letter: wash, tone and moisturise. Scrub or use facial mask once a week to say bye to dead skin cells.


3. DIY Is Good But Experts Do Better

Do not forget to visit the salon or spa for a regular, ideally, monthly facial. Try the diamond, caviar or chocolate facials if you’re up for something adventurous, but if you’re the conservative type who can’t risk it for the promise of glowing, younger looking skin, simply stick to traditional deep facial cleansing.

4. Exercise!

Need we say more? We know eating a balanced diet or even a rigorous following of Atkins or Dukan simply won’t do. To get those toned muscles or six-pack abs (read: ambitious) it is a must to work out. Whether it is hitting the gym, stretching on a yoga mat, doing CrossFit, running on a treadmill or dancing the fats away- do whatever works for you. What matters most is that it must be done regularly and continuously.


5. Eat Right

Ditch the junk, and go for the greens, drink a lot of water and fresh juices too. Do not skip meals as it only results in slowing down your body’s metabolism. Stay away from emotional eating that leads to binging out on comfort foods (ie. cupcakes, ice cream, macaroons and the likes). This resolution actually helps in building healthy lifestyle that should have to be followed for life.

6. Smile

Wake up each day with a smile. Not only it brightens your mood, it also makes you look pretty and happy. Get rid of negative thoughts, it’s time to channel positive vibes and make sure that nothing – not even a Miranda Priestly type of a boss – can ruin your sunny personality.


7. More Time for Snooze

No amount of moisturisers, facials or even spa treatments can measure with good-old beauty sleep. If you want fresh-looking, radiant skin then you better hit the bed early and save yourself a trouble of skin break outs and dullness.

With our active work and social life, it is difficult to squeeze in the required eight hours of sleep, but, in times of need (say special occasion that imposes immediate beauty fix), do not hesitate to free yourself from previously-scheduled appointments, and buzz off.

8. Stay Confident

And finally, do not worry, failing to follow these basic beauty resolutions does not mean the end of your quest to look, feel and do great for 2015. The most powerful beauty tool one can ever have is confidence. No matter what size you are, or what skin type you have, being confident never fails.

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